Elise at temple

Elise at temple
Hermana Moser

Monday, September 29, 2014

There can be MIRACLES when you BELIEVE

My dearest family,

WOW. WHAT A WEEK. I know that I probably mention that the mission is an emotional roller coaster like every week, but this was the craziest week I have ever had. Emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

It all started with these two ridiculously hard baptisms that we had planned for the same Saturday. If they hadn´t been planned according to answers to prayers, I can assure you we would have pushed one of them back. But, like Nephi, we were determined to GO and DO what the Lord hath commanded. It just turns out sometimes the acting part is exhausting. 

We first had Gloria, who had to get married before she could be baptized. The only problem was that the registro civil here in Zapata wanted some paper that was evidence that she was single. So that is lame because she is obviously not with anyone else. She has been with her current boyfriend for a while, and they have 8 month old triplets. HELLO. But, the law is the law and we are all about respecting it and stuff, so we tried to get the paper. The only problem with this paper is that it is super hard to obtain, and it was going to take too long to do all the paperwork. So we all went to Palenque (in another state) to get those two married. Why? Because the registro civil in Chiapas is WAY less annoying than the registros civiles here in Tabasco. So they got married and they are beautiful and perfect and Hermana Pasley and I are coming back in a year to see them all get sealed :) 


Future eternal family with darling triplets!
LUEGO (Then) we had good ole Jorge, who has the faith like unto Enos. (Enos is his favorite. He relates EVERYTHING back to Enos. I love it). As before mentioned, Jorge cannot move his lower body due to a nasty fall and a spinal injury. His preparations were even MORE complicated than the wedding. First we had to find a camilla, then we had to find an ambulance to transport him... Then he had a health scare and had to go to Villahermosa. Luckily, there are elders in Villahermosa that were willing to go give him a blessing. The whole week was just one big stress monster. Hermana Pasley and I just laughed all the time because we literally did not know what else to do.  WHAT are two super American sisters doing planning the baptism of a boy that cannot walk?! haha.. 
 It was quite the adventure, I tell you what. Long story short, Saturday there were still problems with our plans.. but thanks to some super supportive rama members, everything turned out fine. Jorge se bautizo, and it was the most beautiful moment I have ever experienced in my mission. 

Although it was really funny when they got him in the water.. Jorge on his blue camilla with like five priesthood holders surrounding him ready to push it all under... only to find that camillas float! haha... So the actual baptism was a little bit more challenging than we had anticipated. It took them four tries, but they eventually got him under the water. He was confirmed immediately after in the hallway. The point is he is BAPTIZED and miracles happen and it was the COOLEST EVER. 
Mom had a lot of questions this week. Ahem:
1,  The thing I miss most about America is the cleanliness. ALSO that the bathrooms are 1) free and 2) have toilet paper AND soap. I know dad complains about all the laws and stuff.. but I am starting to feel real grateful for how regulated the states are. 
2.  No. people are terrible with time. We told everyone the baptism would start at 5 so that it would really start at 6. 
3.  Our new apartment is really simple. Maybe I´ll take some pictures next week. There are lots of lizard like creatures, but it is WAY cooler.. literally.. than either Frontier or Deportiva. Love it. 
4.  Toilet is fine. Washer is weird, and it is at a members house. There are no dryers. 
5.  YES. The churches and the temples feel the same as anywhere else. EXCEPT for the part where there are no benches. Just cushioned chairs. And also there is no carpet. OH! That is another thing I miss about America!!!... carpet. And couches. I just want to lay on a nice, cushy couch once in a while, ya know?
I love you I love you I love you!
Hermana Moser

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