Elise at temple

Elise at temple
Hermana Moser

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"He is trying to FIGHT me, sir!"

These first three pictures go with my story about being detained because I was not carrying my visa.  This was our blessed  post-"prison" meal.

Hermana Cabrera, who was good enough to speak up when border agents had not asked to see her papers, thus providing me with a companion during my detainment for 8 hours. She didn't have hers either.
President and his family....our rescuers!

Holaa ya´ll!

This week was... interesting. Like an emotional roller coaster the likes of which I have never seen. I laughed.. I cried... I was shocked AND appalled.. I was tired..Well, I am literally always tired, so that one is not really surprising. 

It all started with this lovely couple that we contacted about two weeks ago. Hermana Pasley had gone with Hermana Briseño (our sister training leader) to see them when we had divisions. Apparently, they had taught the entire first lesson and saw little to no acceptance from the lovely investigatores heretofore mentioned. The hermano didn´t want to read the Book of Mormon, but the hermana was willing to try it out. They left a Book of Mormon there for them, and set an appointment for this week.

Well, we went with the intention of helping them understand why the Book of Mormon is so important. However, this man was very very closed. He would not.. Oh dear....no me hizo caso.  How do you say that? haha.. whoops.  [ignored me] The point is, every scripture we had he would either 1) Disregard it completely or 2) interpret in a different form. It was more than a little frustrating. We showed him the video of Elder Hollands testimony. We bore our testimonies with all the strength of a gringa spanish vocabulary. We challenged him to read and to pray. And he said no. He did not even want an answer from God. He is just 100% content with the Bible.

 I felt terrible. I am not joking. The only thing I want here is for people to accept the gospel and all the happiness that it brings us! And when they don´t want it at all it just breaks my heart into a thousand tiny little pieces. I tried to keep it together, but during the closing prayer I just could not stop the tears. WHY can´t they feel the spirit? WHY is this so hard for them to accept? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not good enough? WHY can´t we just be Alma and Amulek already??

The next day I was reading in 1st Nefi where it says... in a rough English translation: "Because the things that some men consider to be of great importance, for the body as well for the soul, others will take for nothing and with trample them under their feet; yea, even the God of Israel do men trample under their feet...they count him for nothing, and don´t hearken to the voice of his counsel." (1 Nefi 19:7) 

I remembered the youtube video we watched in mission prep called "The Atonement and Missionary Work" where Elder Holland is talking about why the mission can be so difficult. It is so difficult because we are representatives of Christ, and it was NEVER easy for Him. If people rejected the very Son of God, who am I to expect that every person will accept what I have to say? It was a very humbling moment for me, and also a very direct and wonderful answer from the Book  of Mormon. I just KNOW that book is true! 

Hermana Pasley and I have actually had a lot of interesting moments like that this week. Moments of "Get away, drunk man... ya bug me." and "Why is this guy singing a hymn that nobody knows?" and "It is just so TRUE!!" Sometimes we just look at each other like, "It is so true. This church is SO TRUE!" Like, not even a little bit not. We are so blessed.  

But seriously.. it was such an interesting week. Someday you´ll have to ask me about Jose Fancisco´s American Idol audition... It was a great time. 

We also have a miracle baptism happening this weekend! I mean... Estamos esperando, verdad? jaja.. It is the young man that had an accident and is paralyzed from the waist down. We still don´t know how he will be baptized.. but when we challenged him he said yes immediately. He did not even have to think about it. It was the best feeling in the whole world to have someone SO prepared and so willing! We love him. We also love Gloria, who will be getting baptized this weekend too, as long as everything works out with her papers and she gets married this week :)

Love the Lord. Love the work. Love all of you.
I love you I love you I love you
Peace an blessin´s. 

Hermana Moser

Hermana Pasley and I

This is Chikis, who reminded me so much of my brother Jesse, on his baptism day.  I wrote about him a couple of weeks ago, waiting at the bottom of the hill in his church clothes, all smiles.

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