Just thought I´d shake up the greeting a
little bit. How is everyone doing? Sounds like er´rything is going just
great! I am very proud of my family and the good things that ya´ll are
doing. I just can´t get over how wonderful you guys are!!
My week was FABULOUS! I am not joking. There were no
pig heads or eyeballs in sight. haha.. That´s not why my week was
fabulous though. It started on Tuesday
after District class where I tried REALLY hard not to get excited about
the mail because there is usually nothing for us. And then good old
Elder intheofficesthatisAmericanbutw ithanameIcan´tpronounce handed me TWO DEARELDERS! AND THEY WERE AWESOME! So thanks, Ma, for being a champ. :)
Continuing on through the week where I got to go to
Parrilla on exchanges to work with Hermana Segundo and where we made
tamalles in Relief Society and Hermana Weaver and I taught our first
English class. Saturday
was the day that I felt like a real live geunine successful missionary.
(Somedays you feel like you can take on the world and be the most
powerful missionary out there, and some days you just don´t. This
mission thing is a real emotional rollercoaster, let me tell you). We
taught this joven (young) named Alejandro who is awesome and has a thousand
questions. He is like a Joseph Smith in his desire to know the truth. He
is only 16. He has prayed about the Book of Mormon with the
missionaries before, like a year ago, and he felt he received an
answer... but he said his dad won´t let him get baptized. We do not know
his dad, nor really anything about this family and their needs, but
Alejandro came to sacrament meeting and we are SO excited for him!
Then we went to visit Nelly, who is 71 years old and
has the coolest voice and we love her. I do not know how much I have
told you about her... She was awesome the first and second times we went
to her house, and the third time she told us that she was too old to
change. She can´t start believing in people named Nefi and Lehi when
she´s 71.. she just can´t! But actually, she can. We read the scriptures
in Alma that compare the word to a seed. There´s one verse that talks
about denying the truth, and when she got to that part she just paused
and said all horrified "That´s what I´m doing, isn´t it?" and went on.
She accepted to keep listening to us, and we are slowly gaining her
trust. This week she admitted some things that have been weighing her
down for the last 40 years. She cried and we cried with her. I could
feel her anguish and her fear...We talked about the atonement, and then
we gave her the pamphlet of the gospel of Christ. When we came back, due
to some of her other things that she told us, we were talking about the
Plan of Salvation. When we wrote the word "baptism" as part of the life
on Earth, she got all excited and said, "That´s what I´m missing!!" She
now has a date set, and we love her and I am SO excited.
Then we went to talk to Lucas and Daniela. They are
currently living together, and a few weeks ago Lucas (who is a little..
or a lot.. What´s the word? Wants to fight me) {I think she means "contentious"} asked us how we felt
about that. So we gave him a ley de castidad (Law of Chastity) pamphlet and said we would
be back to talk about it. We went back Saturday
fully expecting him to start a bible bash or something, and he did
bring up polygamy at the beginning, but that boy was quiet as anything
the whole lesson. When we asked for his thoughts he just said, "You´re
right." Sooooo... Now they´re getting married. #Huzzah!
Those were some of the highlights of my week. I have
felt the guidance of the spirit SO STRONGLY in these days.. I cannot
even describe. Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Please
know I am praying for you too. Give my love to Julia. Can´t imagine what
she must be going through.
I love you I love you I love you!!!
Hermana Monser.
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